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Hey everybody! This musical delight, recorded JULY 13, 2024 is extra special 3 JESUS SONGS which I composed. Of course, I was wearing my HELP ME JESUS headband for extra inspiration if you know what I mean.

The first song is I COME IN THE NAME OF THE LORD affirming a most holy empowerment and the invitation is certainly extended to anyone to join me. I come in the name of the lord JESUS CHRIST and I come in the name of the lord GOD ALMIGHTY on a holy mission for peace love freedom truth and justice called IDEALISM. The same holy spiritual ideals JESUS preached were essential in the human experience and what GOD THE FATHER wants for all of us.

The second song is CAN I TALK TO YOU ABOUT JESUS? which is the best question anyone can ask.

The third song is HELP ME JESUS which is a song of salvation for all of humanity as well as prayer for peace of mind and peace on earth.

This IDEALISM is a remarkable dual meta philosophy and geopolitical system. It is essentially a JESUS ministry glorifying the CHRIST consciousness. Combining intelligence, moral courage and spirituality, IDEALISM manifests the best reality for all of humanity with a genuine commitment to make peace, to share love, to guarantee freedom, to tell the truth and to serve justice.

Nevertheless, CRAPITALI$M reigns supreme manifesting the worst reality for all of humanity with a debased agenda of war hate slavery imprisonment lies and impunity. The meta philosophical foundation of peace love freedom truth and justice in IDEALISM enables the implementation of an honest ethical legitimate rational geopolitical system unprecedented in the history of human civilization evidencing the KINGDOM OF GOD and HEAVEN ON EARTH. As such, the highest priority in IDEALISM is always sustaining the planet for the current and next generations. 

About Us

The Universal Meta Musicians Union is owned and operated by Wayne Myerson in Phoenix, Arizona. It would be best described as the houseband for all things in the dual meta philosophy and geopolitical system of IDEALISM co-creating a greater humanity with a genuine commitment to the spiritual ideals of peace love freedom truth and justice. As such, the band aka union plays songs which promote the spiritual ideals of peace love freedom truth and justice.

Music is more than entertainment. Music can inspire people to embrace their human experience with a commitment to the spiritual ideals of peace love freedom truth and justice amidst the CRAPITALI$M status quo of war hate slavery imprisonment lies and impunity. It is easy and fun; so I’m not to be the only one. However, it requires intelligence, moral courage and spirituality to transcend the self defeating ego and the CRAPITALI$M bullshit which impedes re-connecting with our humanity, the planet and all life on Earth.

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GREETINGS! My name is Wayne Myerson. I am the inventor of the dual meta philosophy and geopolitical system of IDEALISM. Notwithstanding there have been other IDEALISMS, this brand of IDEALISM is the best because it co-creates a greater humanity committed to the spiritual ideals of peace love freedom truth and justice. The meta philosophy is also the foundation of an unprecedented honest and ethical geopolitical system sustaining the planet for the current and next generations. This is achieved with a genuine commitment to the universal truth based on ageless Native American wisdom and which applies to every human being: EARTH HEALTH AND HUMAN HEALTH ARE ONE. The delightful meta mathematical equation symbolizing the universal truth is EH+HH=1.

In addition, I am a meta musician who plays songs for peace love freedom truth and justice. Please note the meta music is neo tribal which means anyone can sing along, play along or dance along. It should therefore be apparent that I present a remarkable trio of meta philosophy, geopolitics and meta music inter-related in a most special way. Consequently, I know that I am blessed to have the honor and the privilege as the only person in the history of human civilization to take the stage bringing a guitar, a meta philosophy and a geopolitical system. My inspiration and passion are off the charts to affirm IDEALISM sharing and caring should replace the corrupt and criminal geopolitical system of CRAPITALI$M for greed and power.

As a matter of fact, Most people are very familiar with meta musicians from the past. Nevertheless, the IDEALISM definition of meta musician playing songs for peace love freedom truth and justice is a new concept for everyone to embrace. Meta musicians easily recognized include Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Carlos Santana, Neil Young and John Coltrane. Indeed, my band is aptly titled the Universal Meta Musicians Union. No doubt, it is the best union in the universe because it can not be busted playing songs for peace love freedom truth and justice. Furthermore, the band’s motto and call to action is TUNE UP… WARM UP… THEN PLAY ON for peace love freedom truth and justice.

With that being said, the most important song to be performed by the Universal Meta Musicians Union is HELP ME JESUS which is a song of salvation for all of humanity. Millions or perhaps billions of people know JESUS was GOD in the flesh. They should also know JESUS believed in the spiritual ideals of peace love freedom truth and justice. That is why believing in JESUS should also include sincerely believing in these five spiritual ideals. The song HELP ME JESUS comes from an open heart that anyone can sing. It can also be described as prayer for peace of mind and peace on Earth.


CAPITALISM is a myth with a level playing field for businesses to compete offering products and services. The harsh reality is CRAPITALI$M, a world wide corrupt criminal illegitimate irrational geopolitical system with a perpetual war and oil economy degrading polluting contaminating the planet for greed and power. The result of a perpetual war and oil economy is a catastrophic irreversible climate crisis with higher temperatures, drought, melting glaciers, torrential rain, floods, more hurricanes and more tornadoes. However, no school in any CRAPITALI$M country, including the United States, England, Russia, China, Canada and Israel, will self incriminate teaching CRAPITALI$M is the scourge of the planet, humanity and all life on Earth. People have to learn what CRAPITALI$M is by their own initiative if they ever do.

The initiative to learn what CRAPITALI$M is starts by reading this essay. Until that happens, people are ignorant they are geopolitical prisoners of geopolitical criminals in government and business committed to a perpetual war and oil economy. The ignorance evidences intellectual moral and spiritual bankruptcy which ensures CRAPITALI$M’S success. In addition, people are insidiously brainwashed to be comfortably numb in CRAPITALI$M watching their favorite sports team, drinking their favorite alcohol and soda pop, eating their favorite fast food and buying anything on AMAZON, the quintessential CRAPITALI$M company. If people want to be geopolitical citizens instead of geopolitical prisoners, CRAPITALI$M must be stopped, replaced and punished with an honest ethical legitimate rational geopolitical system sustaining the planet for the current and next generations. That unprecedented geopolitical system is called IDEALISM which requires intelligence, moral courage and spirituality to be implemented and promoted with music, ecology, teaching and art.


CRAPITALI$M is the scourge of humanity, the planet and all life on Earth with a world wide perpetual war and oil economy degrading polluting contaminating the planet for greed and power causing death destruction and suffering. In addition, CRAPITALI$M has caused the climate crisis endangering all life on Earth. However, no CRAPITALI$M country, including the United States, will self incriminate and teach CRAPITALI$M.

CRAPITALI$M reigns supreme because people are insidiously brainwashed to be comfortably numb in the CRAPITALI$M war and oil economy believing that watching their favorite sports team, drinking their favorite alcohol and soda pop, eating their favorite fast food and buying anything on AMAZON, the quintessential CRAPITALI$M company, are most important in the human experience. It evidences intellectual bankruptcy, moral cowardice and spiritual ignorance.

I celebrate IDEALISM and vanquish CRAPITALI$M with music ecology teaching art. It’s all uniquely combined in my YOUTUBE video CRAPITALI$M BLUES which was lots of fun and important to produce. That’s a win win situation. Just match my intelligence moral courage and spirituality… everyone can celebrate IDEALISM and vanquish CRAPITALI$M too!!!

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